Port Forwarding - by Paul Skingley

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Port Forwarding - by Paul Skingley

Post by Lou_Magyar »

Have you opened the ports on your router that are needed for GPL online ?

Whether you use iGor or Vroc online you need to allow your PC to send and receive information to the server.

You only need to do this once.
Check them one at a time in your router setup. Some may already be open.

113 (TCP/incoming)
6667 (TCP/outgoing)
6970 (UDP/outgoing)
6971 (UDP/incoming)
30196 (TCP/incoming)
30196 (TCP/outgoing)
30197 (TCP/outgoing)
30198 (TCP/incoming)
30198 (TCP/outgoing)
30199 (UDP/outgoing)
32766-32786 - (UDP/incoming)

IGOR ports

iGOR uses several ports for internet communications. Some of these can be changed, others cannot.

IRC Chat Port
6667 (TCP/outgoing) - cannot be changed.

IRC Ident Server Port
113 (TCP/incoming) - cannot be changed. It is not essential that this port is opened, but chat connections will be much quicker if you can open this port for incoming connections / add it to your port forwarding list.

Remote Hosting Server Port
30196 (TCP/incoming)
- this can be changed either in the Listening dialog, or (when iGOR is not running) by editing iGOR.ini, line "ListenerPort = 30196"
- if you are running as a remote host, using NAT (or similar), this port will need to be forwarded on your router.
Remote Hosting Client Port
30196 (TCP/outgoing)
Race List Port
30197 (TCP/outgoing) - cannot be changed.
Security Client Port
30198 (TCP/outgoing) - cannot be changed.
Security Server Port
30198 (TCP/incoming) - cannot be changed. Ff you are running as a remote host, using NAT (or similar), this port will need to be forwarded on your router.
iGOR Broadcasting Port
30199 (UDP/outgoing) to keep the range of ports required by iGOR to a single block (30196-30199).

GPL ports

By default, GPL uses the following ports:

Broadcasting Port
6970 (UDP/outgoing) - used by GPL to broadcast the status of the races to the RaceList server.
Pings Port
6971 (UDP/incoming) - used by GPL for ping responses. Not used by iGOR.

Racing Connections Ports
32766-32786 - (UDP/incoming) - 21 in total
32766 is used for incoming connections,
32767-32786 are used for existing connections to each individual client.
- if you are hosting a race you will need to open/forward 32766 to 32766+n, where n is the maximum number of players you will be allowing to join your races. e.g. for a 6 player server, you will need 32766-32772

Racelist Pinging
Races in the racelist will be pinged in the normal fashion (ICMP), so ports do not need to be opened. When hosting a race, you have the option of making your server non-pingable. Use this only if you really don't want your host to be pinged, and cannot prevent pings with other hardware or software on your system.
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